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Condor3 Show+Speak Briefing + Nav Apps Focus


(Optionally Speak each Task Briefing page Too!)

Version 3.21 - 25th February, 2025

A short summary - Read the Manual for a full description:-

With the advent of the Condor 3 Gliding Simulator and it increased number of Weather Zones for each Task, it has become more difficult to remember all that import Race and Weather Briefing information. The purpose of this program is to simplify that Briefing information, and to display it on top of the Condor 3 widow for easy access and viewing while flying. The Briefing Information may be pinned into your VR headset, viewed on a single monitor, or placed on a second monitor if you have more than one monitor. The choice is up to you!


The program consists of two parts. The first sets up the required HOTKEYS and variables for you to utilise. The second part is the Condor3 Show+Speak Task Rules + Weather.ahk AutoHotKey script, which actually does all the work once the required variables as setup and saved with the Save Settings button.


You may optionally setup HOTKEYS to give you FULL MOUSE control by bringing into focus the popular navigation apps used frequently with Condor 3. These include the built in LXNav 9070, and external navigation apps such as LK8000, XCSoar, and CoMoMap.


If these options are implemented, you must also choose a HOTKEY to bring Condor 3 back into focus so you can resume control. It is usually wise to put Condor 3 into AutoPilot mode when changing the computers focus to these optional programs.  


Here is an example of the Task Rules, showing the Task Map, and the two Weather Zones defined in this particular Task.













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